Social Media Marketing Archives - ToastyAI AI Content Creation for Podcasts Mon, 12 Aug 2024 08:07:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Media Marketing Archives - ToastyAI 32 32 How to Create Audiograms for Podcast Promotion Mon, 12 Aug 2024 08:01:55 +0000 It’s good to listen, but it’s great to see. That’s why you need to use audiograms even if you have a podcast. […]

The post How to Create Audiograms for Podcast Promotion appeared first on ToastyAI.


It’s good to listen, but it’s great to see.

That’s why you need to use audiograms even if you have a podcast.

It’s a visually engaging way to promote your podcast episodes on social media.

In this post, you’ll see what an audiogram is and how you can use them effectively for your podcast promotion.

Let’s take a look.

Table of Contents

What is an Audiogram?

An audiogram is a brief video clip that combines audio from a podcast episode with visual elements, such as waveforms, images, and text. 

You create it in a way to grab the viewer’s attention and encourage them to listen to the full episode.

Audiograms are super useful for social media because the engaging visuals capture users’ attention as they scroll through their feeds.

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Why Use Audiograms for Podcast Promotion?

Increased Visibility

Your audience will find audiograms are more engaging than static images or text-based posts. It makes them more likely to be shared and go viral.

Higher Engagement

Your audiograms have audio, and visuals that help capture viewers’ attention. This can help boost your engagement rates.

Tease Episode Content

You can use audiograms as a teaser for your podcast episodes. You provide a sneak peek into the content, piquing interest of potential listeners.

Accessible Content

Some people prefer to read rather than listen to content. By using audiograms, you make your podcast content accessible to such users.

Platform Versatility

You create the audiograms once and you can share it across different social media platforms like Instagram, X, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

How to Create Audiograms for Your Podcast

Creating audiograms doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create compelling audiograms for your podcast promotion:

Step 1: Choose the Right Audio Clip

You should pick an audio clip from your podcast episode that is the most interesting part.

Audiograms are typically between 30 seconds and 1 minute long. You should choose a clip that conveys the essence of your episode within this timeframe.

Look for moments in your episode that are engaging, thought-provoking, or entertaining. This could be a quote, a question, or an interesting fact.

Make sure the audio clip is clear and easy to understand. Avoid clips with too much background noise or overlapping voices.

Step 2: Add Visual Elements

Once you’ve selected your audio clip, it’s time to add visual elements to create the audiogram.

You can use a waveform animation to add a dynamic visual element that syncs with your audio clip. This helps attract attention to your audiogram and makes it more engaging.

You can use images or background colors to reflect the theme or tone of your podcast. You can use your podcast’s logo, a relevant image, or a simple background color.

You should include text overlays to provide context for your audio clip. This could be a quote from the clip, a teaser for the episode, or the episode’s title.

Step 3: Use an Audiogram Creation Tool

You’ll find audiogram creation tools that will help save you a lot of time because of templates and features. Some even have AI generate the audiogram for you.


ToastyAI can auto-generate audiograms using AI. It helps you transform audio clips into engaging visual content.


Headliner is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create audiograms quickly and easily. You can upload your audio clip, add visual elements, and export the audiogram in various formats suitable for social media.

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Wavve offers a variety of templates and customization options to create eye-catching audiograms. You can add waveforms, text overlays, and images to create a polished and engaging final product. You also have the option for AI-generated clips.

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Auphonic is an audio processing tool that also includes audiogram creation features. You can use it to enhance your audio quality and create visually appealing audiograms.

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Step 4: Export and Share Your Audiogram

Once you’ve created your audiogram, it’s time to share it with your audience. 

You’ll need to optimize the audiogram for the platforms you want to use it on. Different platforms will have different video requirements. For example, use square or vertical formats for Instagram and Facebook, and horizontal formats for Twitter and LinkedIn.

You should add captions to the audiogram so it’s accessible to users who are watching without sound. It also helps convey your message more effectively.

You can encourage viewers to listen to the full episode by including a call-to-action in your audiogram.

Tips for Creating Effective Audiograms

Here are some additional tips to help you create effective audiograms that resonate with your audience:

Maintain Brand Consistency

You should use consistent colors, fonts, and visual elements that represent your podcast’s branding. This will help create a recognizable look for your audiograms and identify your brand.

Experiment with Different Formats

You should create audiograms in different formats and lengths when starting out. You’ll need feedback from your audience on which works best. So, analyze the performance of the audiograms to identify what works and what doesn’t.

Monitor Engagement

Pay attention to how your audience engages with your audiograms. Use this feedback to refine your approach and create more effective content.

Promote Across Multiple Channels

Share your audiograms across different social media platforms to reach a broader audience. Consider using paid promotion or influencer partnerships to extend your reach further.


You must use audiograms if you have a podcast. It’s a super easy way to get more engagement on social media and attract more listeners to your podcast.

You can use a tool like ToastyAI that will auto-generate audiograms from your podcast episodes using AI technology. So, you won’t have to spend time manually creating audiograms.

So , start experimenting with audiograms today and watch your podcast grow.

Want more podcast listeners?

Join our step-by-step 5-day action plan course showing you exactly what you need to do to get more listeners.

The post How to Create Audiograms for Podcast Promotion appeared first on ToastyAI.

15 Ways to Develop an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Podcast Fri, 09 Aug 2024 05:10:48 +0000 We live in an age of social media. It’s true for your podcast as well. You need to reach your target audience […]

The post 15 Ways to Develop an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.


We live in an age of social media.

It’s true for your podcast as well. You need to reach your target audience on social media.

You need to build a community and boost your podcast’s visibility.

In this post, you’ll find 15 ways you can use to create a good strategy for your podcast on social media.

Let’s look at how you can use social media to turn casual listeners into loyal followers.

Table of Contents

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Make a user profile of your target audience. Find out their demographics, interests, and online behavior. This will help you create content that will meet their needs. Not just on podcasts, but on social media as well. 

Create listener personas to guide your social media strategy, ensuring that every post resonates with your audience and encourages engagement.

2. Choose the Right Platforms

You need to focus on 1 or 2 social media platforms, at least at the start. You should target those platforms where your audience hangs out. This can be different depending on the niche.

  • Twitter is great for real-time updates and connecting with other podcasters.

  • Instagram excels in visual content, ideal for behind-the-scenes photos or audiograms.

  • Facebook is suitable for building a community and sharing longer content.

  • LinkedIn works well for business or educational podcasts.

3. Create a Consistent Posting Schedule

Your social media success will depend on how often you post. These algorithms encourage more posting and give you a boost.

Develop a posting schedule that aligns with your podcast release dates. For example, you might share teaser clips before an episode drops, promote the full episode on release day, and follow up with additional content (e.g., quotes or behind-the-scenes looks) throughout the week. 

You can use tools like Buffer, HootSuite, Publer to schedule posts in advance, ensuring you maintain consistency even during busy periods.

4. Use Visual Content to Grab Attention

You have a podcast where people listen to the audio. But you can use visuals to engage your audience. Use images, videos, infographics, and audiograms to make your posts stand out. 

Audiograms are a great way to share snippets of your podcast episodes on social media. You can use a tool like ToastyAI that will create audiograms from your podcast episode.

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5. Make Use of Hashtags

You have the option of using hashtags in your posts on many social media platforms. They can increase the visibility of your posts by making them discoverable to a broader audience.

You should research relevant hashtags in your niche and place them on your posts. For example, if your podcast is about entrepreneurship, use hashtags like #BusinessPodcast, #Entrepreneurship, or #StartupTips. But be careful not to overuse hashtags—stick to a few that are highly relevant to your content.

6. Engage with Your Audience

You will have success with social media if you put effort into engaging with your audience. It’s not just about broadcasting your content, but also interacting with your listeners.

Respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage discussions. Consider hosting live Q&A sessions or polls to interact directly with your audience. 

You get to build a loyal community on social media with your audience. It’s a great way to increase your podcast’s visibility through shares and word-of-mouth.

7. Collaborate with Influencers and Other Podcasters

You’ll find this is the fastest way to get a boost in your listeners. Partner with influencers or other podcasters in your niche to co-host episodes, guest on each other’s shows, or take part in joint social media campaigns. 

This cross-promotion introduces your podcast to a broader audience and adds credibility to your brand.

8. Repurpose Your Podcast Content

You can only create so much content when working on a podcast. The good news is you can repurpose your audio content and create social media posts from that.

Repurposing content allows you to reach different segments of your audience in various formats. For example, you can turn key points from an episode into blog posts, create short video clips for social media, or design infographics that summarize the episode.

You can use ToastyAI and upload your podcast episodes to auto-generate potential social media posts for you. You just need to pick useful ones, edit them, and schedule them for posting.

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9. Use Analytics to Refine Your Strategy

You need to post regularly on social media for a few weeks. Then you’ll get the analytics on the social media platform that shows you the audience’s behavior.

You get to see what’s working and what’s not from the engagement levels of your social media posts. Pay attention to metrics like engagement rates, click-through rates, and follower growth. 

Use these insights to tweak your strategy, focusing more on what resonates with your audience and discarding what doesn’t.

10. Incorporate Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Ask and you shall receive. This holds true for your social media as well. You should place a CTA in many posts that guide your audience on what to do next.

This could be as simple as asking them to listen to the latest episode, subscribe to your podcast, or share the content with their network. 

CTAs help drive engagement and direct your audience to take specific actions that benefit your podcast.

11. Run Social Media Ads

You can invest in paid social media ads if you have the budget for it. This is the fastest way to grow your social media following and boost your podcast’s visibility.

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow you to target ads to specific demographics, ensuring that your content reaches the right audience. 

Start with a small budget, test different ad creatives, and gradually increase your spend on the ads that perform best.

12. Create a Community Around Your Podcast

Your podcast is not just an isolated set of content. You can build a community around it that increases listener loyalty and engagement.

You can create a Facebook group. Or start a Discord server. Or even create a subreddit for the topic. Your audience can then discuss episodes, share feedback, and connect with each other on these platforms.

You can use the community to engage with your audience. You’ll get valuable insights into what your listeners want, helping you with ideas for future content.

13. Promote User-Generated Content

You can get your audience creating content for you. Encourage your listeners to create and share content related to your podcast. 

This could be fan art, quotes, or even their thoughts on recent episodes. Share this user-generated content on your social media channels to foster a sense of community and increase engagement.

14. Stay Consistent with Your Branding

Your branding should be consistent, whether it’s your website, podcast hosting, or social media channels. Consistency in branding helps establish a recognizable identity for your podcast. 

Use the same color schemes, fonts, and logos across all social media platforms. This not only looks professional but also makes it easier for your audience to identify your content instantly.

15. Monitor Trends and Adapt

Social media is a treadmill. There’s no two ways about it. You’ll need to stay on top of trends in the niche and create posts around that. This is important, so you maintain relevance with your audience as a trusted authority.

Whether it’s a new platform, a trending hashtag, or a viral challenge, being aware of and adapting to these trends can give your podcast a competitive edge.


You need to develop an effective social media strategy if you want an engaged and growing audience.

The first step is to identify your target audience and you can do that by creating listener personas.

Once you do that, you can start building your social media presence on the different platforms where your audience is present.

Want more podcast listeners?

Join our step-by-step 5-day action plan course showing you exactly what you need to do to get more listeners.

The post 15 Ways to Develop an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.

How to Host a Website for Your Podcast Fri, 09 Aug 2024 04:02:57 +0000 Your website is your home. It’s a place where your content lives. Be it episodes, articles, or news. That’s why it’s important […]

The post How to Host a Website for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.


Your website is your home.

It’s a place where your content lives. Be it episodes, articles, or news.

That’s why it’s important you set it up correctly.

In this post, you’ll find how you can host such a website for your podcast in a step-by-step manner.

Let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Why Your Podcast Needs a Dedicated Website

Centralized Content Hub

Your website will be a place for your brand on the Internet. It will serve as the central location for all your podcast episodes, show notes, and additional content, such as blog posts or news.

Enhanced Discoverability

You can have search engine optimization in the website so it can drive organic traffic and make your podcast easier to find.

Audience Engagement

You can funnel your audience to your website via your podcast, social media, and email. This is valuable for deeper engagement with your audience. You can channel them to your blog, newsletters, and listener feedback.

Monetization Opportunities

You own your website and that helps set up monetization opportunities such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and merchandise sales.

Control Over Branding

Your website gives you full control over the design and branding of your podcast. You don’t need to rely on third-party platforms that may change their policies over night.

Step 1: Choose a Domain Name and Hosting Provider

Your first step in creating a website for your podcast is selecting a domain name and a hosting provider.

Choosing a Domain Name

Choose a domain name that is short, easy to spell, and closely related to your podcast’s name. Brainstorm relevant keywords that make sense for your podcast niche.

Use relevant keywords to improve your website’s SEO. If your preferred domain name is unavailable, consider alternative extensions like .podcast, .fm, or .media.

Here are some domain name registrars where you can pick a domain name:

  • GoDaddy

  • Namecheap

  • Cloudflare

  • Bluehost

Selecting a Hosting Provider

Your hosting provider is crucial as it affects your website’s speed, uptime, and overall performance. Popular hosting providers include:

  • Cloudways

  • SiteGround

  • WP Engine

  • Kinsta

  • WPX

Step 2: Set Up Your Website Using a Content Management System (CMS)

Now, it’s time to pick a good content management system for your website. This is what will enable you to create and post content. The most popular CMS for podcast websites is WordPress.

Why Use WordPress?

WordPress is beginner-friendly and has built-in SEO capabilities. You can customize it for your brand because it has thousands of themes and plugins for every need.

Setting Up WordPress

Install WordPress

You’ll find a simple installation procedure with any hosting service provider you choose. Usually, they’ll have a one-click WordPress installation.

Choose a Theme

You can pick a podcast-friendly theme such as Tusant that will highlight the episodes. And your listeners can access them from your website itself.

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Install Essential Plugins

You have a lot of plugin options to enhance WordPress functionality. But keep them to a minimum because more plugins can slow down the website or cause other issues.

For podcasts, consider installing:

  • Blubrry PowerPress: A podcasting plugin that integrates with WordPress and offers easy podcast publishing and iTunes support.

  • Seriously Simple Podcasting: Another great podcast plugin that supports multiple shows on a single website.

  • Yoast SEO: For optimizing your website’s SEO.

  • Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: To track your website’s performance.

Step 3: Set Up Podcast Hosting with Analytics

You’ll need a podcast hosting service to store your audio files and distribute them to directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Choosing a Podcast Hosting Service

  • Buzzsprout: User-friendly with built-in podcast analytics and easy integration with major directories.

  • Libsyn: Offers comprehensive stats, a custom podcast app, and the ability to monetize your podcast.

  • Podbean: Provides unlimited storage, advanced analytics, and monetization options.

Setting Up Podcast Hosting

  1. Choose a plan that suits your needs and sign up for an account.

  2. Upload your existing episodes to the hosting service.

  3. Personalize your podcast page with your logo, episode descriptions, and show notes. ToastyAI can auto-generate descriptions and show notes for you.

  4. Most hosting services provide easy distribution to major podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

Step 4: Integrate Analytics into Your Podcast Website

Your podcast analytics will help you know what your listeners want or don’t want from your podcast. You can have website analytics from the website and podcast analytics from the podcast hosting service.

Your website analytics could be website traffic. And your podcast analytics could be episode performance.

Setting Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that provides insights into your website traffic, user behavior, and more.

  1. Sign up at Google Analytics.

  2. After setting up your account, Google Analytics will provide a tracking code.

  3. If you’re using WordPress, you can easily install the tracking code using the MonsterInsights plugin or by manually adding it to your website’s header.

  4. Define goals such as newsletter signups or podcast downloads to track conversions.

Analyzing Podcast Performance with Your Hosting Provider

Most podcast hosting services offer built-in analytics that provide detailed information about your episodes, including:

  • Downloads: Track the number of downloads per episode.

  • Listener Locations: Understand where your listeners are located.

  • Playback Sources: Identify which platforms (e.g., Apple Podcasts, Spotify) your listeners are using.

  • Episode Performance: Compare how different episodes perform over time.

Step 5: Optimize and Promote Your Website

Once you have set up your website and podcast hosting, the next step is to optimize and promote your site.

SEO Optimization

  • On-Page SEO: Ensure each episode page includes relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and alt text for images.

  • Internal Linking: Link to related content within your website to improve navigation and SEO.

  • Regular Updates: Keep your website fresh by regularly adding new episodes, blog posts, and updates.

Promotion Strategies

  • Social Media: Promote your episodes on social media platforms, using tools like audiograms and episode highlights. Use a tool like ToastyAI to auto-generate audiograms and summaries.

  • Email Marketing: Build an email list and send out regular newsletters featuring new episodes and updates.

  • Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for other websites in your niche to attract new listeners.

  • Podcast Directories: Ensure your podcast is submitted to all major podcast directories for maximum visibility.


You must create a website for your podcast because that is the base for your brand online.

The next step is to make a list of potential domain names you can choose from. Create the list based on keywords that are related to the niche and your brand.

Then it’s time to get it registered at one of the domain registrars that we mentioned above.

With the right setup, your podcast website will become a powerful tool in your journey toward podcasting success.

Want more podcast listeners?

Join our step-by-step 5-day action plan course showing you exactly what you need to do to get more listeners.

The post How to Host a Website for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.

How to Submit Your Podcast to Major Directories and Emerging Platforms Thu, 08 Aug 2024 13:06:02 +0000 It can be tough as a beginner You want your podcast to be popular. But there’s so much competition. How do you […]

The post How to Submit Your Podcast to Major Directories and Emerging Platforms appeared first on ToastyAI.


It can be tough as a beginner

You want your podcast to be popular. But there’s so much competition.

How do you reach listeners who may be interested? What platforms can you find them on?

In this post, you’ll learn how to submit your podcast to podcast directories and platforms so you get that visibility.

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Why You Should Submit Your Podcast To Many Directories

Just starting your podcast won’t help. You need to promote it to your potential listeners. The best way to do this is to submit your podcast to multiple podcast directories. This has several benefits:

Increased Discoverability

Different listeners use different platforms, so the more directories your podcast is on, the more likely it is to be found by new audiences.

Higher Engagement

Being available on multiple platforms increases the chances of listener engagement through subscriptions, downloads, and reviews.

SEO Benefits

Submitting your podcast to various directories can improve your show’s SEO, making it easier to find through search engines.

Step 1: Prepare Your Podcast for Submission

You’ll need to prepare some basic details before you can submit your podcast to directories.

Podcast RSS Feed: Your podcast hosting service provides an RSS feed, which is essential for submission. This feed includes all episodes and metadata.

Podcast Title and Description: Craft a clear, concise title and a compelling description that summarizes your show’s content and appeal.

Cover Art: Create high-quality cover art that meets the specifications of each platform (typically 1400×1400 to 3000×3000 pixels in JPEG or PNG format).

Episode Metadata: Ensure each episode has a title, description, and appropriate tags or keywords.

Step 2: Submit to Major Podcast Directories

Now, it’s time to submit your podcast to as many directories as possible. Many of the below are major ones that can get you a good number of listeners.

1. Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts is one of the most important directories to submit your podcast to, as it’s a top destination for listeners.

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Steps to Submit:

  1. If you don’t already have one, create an Apple ID.

  2. Go to Apple Podcasts Connect and log in with your Apple ID.

  3. Click the “+” button to add your podcast. Paste your RSS feed URL.

  4. Review the details, then submit your podcast for approval. Apple typically takes 1-2 weeks to review and approve new podcasts.

2. Spotify

Spotify is a rapidly growing podcast platform with millions of users, making it a key directory for podcast distribution.

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Steps to Submit:

  1. Visit Spotify for Podcasters.

  2. Use your existing Spotify account or create a new one.

  3. Click “Get Started” and paste your RSS feed URL.

  4. Fill out the required information and submit your podcast. Spotify’s approval process usually takes a few hours to a couple of days.

3. Google Podcasts

Google Podcasts is another major platform that offers excellent discoverability through Google’s search engine.

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Steps to Submit:

  1. Go to Google Podcasts Manager.

  2. Sign in using your Google account.

  3. Click “Add a podcast” and enter your RSS feed URL.

  4. Google will send a verification email to the email address associated with your RSS feed. Verify the email to complete the submission.

4. Amazon Music

Amazon Music and Audible have also entered the podcast space, providing another large platform for your podcast.

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Steps to Submit:

  1. Visit Amazon Music for Podcasters.

  2. Log in with your Amazon account credentials.

  3. Enter your podcast’s RSS feed URL and review the details.

  4. Submit your podcast for approval, which usually takes a few days.

5. Stitcher

Stitcher is a popular podcast app with a dedicated user base, making it another important platform.

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Steps to Submit:

  1. Go to the Stitcher Partner Portal.

  2. Create an account or log in with your existing credentials.

  3. Paste your RSS feed URL and fill out the necessary information.

  4. Submit your podcast for approval, which can take a few days.

Step 3: Submit to Emerging Platforms

You’ve submitted your podcast to the major directories. But you can also submit to emerging platforms. They will be smaller compared to the major podcast directories but can still get you a lot of listeners with lower competition.

1. TuneIn

TuneIn offers a wide variety of content, including podcasts, making it a valuable platform for broadening your audience.

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Steps to Submit:

  1. Visit TuneIn’s submission page and sign in.

  2. Enter your podcast’s RSS feed, title, and other relevant details.

  3. Submit your podcast for approval, which typically takes a few days.

2. iHeartRadio

iHeartRadio is a popular platform that combines music, live radio, and podcasts.

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Steps to Submit:

  1. Some hosting services like Libsyn offer direct submission to iHeartRadio. Check if yours does.

  2. Or you can submit directly through iHeartRadio’s submission page.

  3. Enter your podcast’s RSS feed, title, and other relevant details.

  4. The approval process can take a few days to a week.

3. Pandora

Pandora has a unique algorithm for recommending content, making it a good platform for discovering new listeners.

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Steps to Submit:

  1. Go to the Pandora AMP submission page.

  2. Log in and click “Submit Podcast.”

  3. Enter your RSS feed URL and other required information.

  4. Approval can take several weeks as Pandora reviews submissions carefully.

4. Podchaser

Podchaser is a podcast database that allows users to discover, review, and rate podcasts.

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Steps to Submit:

  1. Go to Podchaser’s Podcast Submission Page.

  2. If your podcast is already listed, claim it; otherwise, submit it.

  3. Fill out any missing information to complete your listing.

Step 4: Monitor and Promote Your Podcast

Once you’ve submitted your podcast to various directories and platforms, it’s important to monitor its performance and promote it.

1. Check Analytics

You’ll find analytics tools in many of the podcast platforms you submitted your podcast. They provide insights into listener behavior, downloads, and engagement. Use these tools to track your podcast’s performance and adjust your strategy as needed.

2. Promote on Social Media

Share your podcast episodes across your social media channels to increase visibility and attract more listeners. Use targeted hashtags, engage with your audience, and collaborate with influencers in your niche.

3. Encourage Reviews and Ratings

You should ask your listeners to leave a review on the platform where they listen. Positive reviews can boost your podcast’s visibility and credibility.


It can be a challenge when you’re starting out with a podcast.

It’s important to submit your podcast to various platforms to get a lot of visibility.

Go to each of the above platforms and add your podcast. It does not matter whether the platform is a major one or it’s just a niche one. Register wherever you can for submitting your podcast RSS feed.

Congratulations! You’re on the way to building a super popular podcast.

Want more podcast listeners?

Join our step-by-step 5-day action plan course showing you exactly what you need to do to get more listeners.

The post How to Submit Your Podcast to Major Directories and Emerging Platforms appeared first on ToastyAI.

How to Create Timestamps and Tags for Your Podcast Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:34:00 +0000 It’s difficult to find segments in a podcast episode. Your listeners don’t want to search through the entire audio. That’s why it’s […]

The post How to Create Timestamps and Tags for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.


It’s difficult to find segments in a podcast episode.

Your listeners don’t want to search through the entire audio.

That’s why it’s important you add timestamps to your episode.

Let’s look at some methods you can use to generate them.

Table of Contents

3 Methods for Creating Timestamps

1. Listen to the Audio and Create Timestamps

This is the old school method of creating timestamps for your podcast episode.

You play the podcast episode from start to finish. As you listen, jot down the time points where significant topics, questions, or segments begin.

You write a brief description of each timestamp to show the content covered.

2. Use the Transcript and ChatGPT to Create Timestamps

You can speed up creating timestamps using the transcript of the podcast and ChatGPT.

Use transcription software such as or transcribe to create a text version of your podcast episode. You could use services on Upwork or Fiverr to get the transcription.

You could upload the podcast to YouTube as a video and it will generate the transcription for you.

You should check that the transcript is correct, and you have covered the key sections and topics.

You can give this transcript to ChatGPT and request it to generate timestamps using a prompt.

Example Prompt:

Here’s the transcript of my podcast episode. Can you create timestamps for the key sections and topics discussed?

3. Using ToastyAI for Automatic Timestamps

You can speed up creating timestamps even more if you use ToastyAI that can instantly generate them.

You upload your podcast audio file to the ToastyAI platform. The software will transcribe the file and you’ll immediately have access to the timestamps along with the key points.

You can review the generated timestamps, check them for accuracy, and make any necessary adjustments.

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3 Methods for Creating Tags

1. Identify Key Themes and Topics as Tags

You can use key themes, topics, and subjects covered in your episode. The tags should be specific enough to describe the content, but broad enough to be searchable.

Example: For an episode about sustainable living, your tags might include:

  • Sustainable Living

  • Eco-Friendly Tips

  • Waste Reduction

  • Composting

  • Green Lifestyle

2. Use Descriptive Keywords as Tags

You can use keywords that your audience might search for when looking for similar content.

Example: If your podcast is about digital marketing, relevant tags could include:

  • Digital Marketing Strategies

  • Social Media Marketing

  • SEO Tips

  • Content Marketing

  • Online Advertising

3. Use ChatGPT for Tag Suggestions

You can use ChatGPT and the transcript of the podcast to come up with tag suggestions.

Use transcription software such as or Transcribe to create a text version of your podcast episode. You could use services on Upwork or Fiverr to get the transcription.

You could upload the podcast to YouTube as a video and it will generate the transcription for you.

You can give this transcript to ChatGPT and request it to generate tags using a prompt.

Example Prompt:

Based on this transcript, can you suggest some tags that accurately describe the topics and themes discussed?


You now know how to create timestamps and tags for your podcast episodes.

You can use ToastyAI to generate the transcript and timestamps in just a couple of minutes. You can then give the transcript to ChatGPT and ask it to create tags.

Add the timestamps and tags to the show notes where you listeners can find them.

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The post How to Create Timestamps and Tags for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.

How to Create Show Notes for Your Podcast Thu, 08 Aug 2024 06:56:28 +0000 Sample intro text…Your podcast is not enough. You need to give your audience a chance to know about it. You need to […]

The post How to Create Show Notes for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.


Sample intro text…Your podcast is not enough.

You need to give your audience a chance to know about it. You need to let them read what it’s about.

That’s why show notes are important.

You can help viewers and search engines figure out what your podcast episodes are about.

But you need to create show notes first.

Let’s look at how to do this. 

Table of Contents

Why Show Notes Matter?

Enhance Listener Experience

You can use show notes to engage your listeners. They can find key points, resources, and links mentioned in the episode.

Improve SEO 

You can optimize the show notes for SEO. This means your podcast has better chances of ranking in search engines. It makes it easier for podcast listeners to find your content.

Encourage Engagement 

You can provide links to social media, websites, and resources that encourage listeners to engage deeper with your content.

1. Start with a Summary

You should begin your show notes with a summary of the episode. This will give an overview of the main topics discussed. You want to capture the essence of the episode in just a few sentences.

Example: “In this episode, we dive into the world of sustainable living with eco-expert Jane Doe. We discuss practical tips for reducing waste, the benefits of composting, and how to live a greener lifestyle.”

You can use ToastyAI to auto-generate the summary. You get the option to choose from three possible show note summaries.

How to create show notes image 1

2. Highlight Key Points and Timestamps

It’s hard to listen to the entire episode, especially when it’s a long one. You can help your listeners by breaking down the episode into key points or segments.

You should include timestamps for each section that can help listeners easily navigate to parts of the episode that interest them the most.


  • [00:02:30] Introduction to Sustainable Living: Jane Doe shares her journey into eco-friendly living.

  • [00:10:15] Tips for Reducing Waste: Practical steps to minimize your environmental footprint.
  • [00:25:00] The Benefits of Composting: How composting can transform your garden and reduce waste.

  • [00:40:45] Q&A Session: Listener questions about sustainable practices answered.

You can use ToastyAI to auto-generate key points and timestamps for the episode. You just upload it and they get generated as shown.

3. List Resources and Links

Your show notes are a great place to add links to resources mentioned in the episode. These can be books, articles, websites, and tools that would add value to the listeners.

Example: Resources Mentioned:

  • Jane Doe’s Blog: Eco-Friendly Living

  • Book: The Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson

  • Composting Guide: How to Start Composting

4. Provide Guest Information

If you have guests on the podcast episode, show them some love. Add their bio, social media handles, and links to the show notes. You acknowledge their contribution and provide listeners with additional content to explore.

Example: Guest Information:

  • Jane Doe: Eco-expert and blogger

  • Website: Eco-Friendly Living

  • X: @JaneDoeEco

5. Add Calls to Action (CTAs)

Your show notes are a great place to encourage listeners to perform some action. You can tell them to subscribe to your podcast, leave a review, or follow you on social media.

This can be a quick but effective way of using CTAs to grow your audience and increase engagement.

Example: Calls to Action:

  • Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

  • Leave a review on iTunes to help others find our show

  • Follow us on X: @YourPodcast for updates and behind-the-scenes content

6. Include Quotes and Highlights

Your listeners will find it super useful when you include quotes and highlights in the show notes. They can share this on social media and increase your audience and engagement.

Example: Quotes:

  • “Sustainable living is not about perfection, but progress.” – Jane Doe

  • “Composting is nature’s way of recycling. It’s simple, effective, and beneficial for the environment.” – Jane Doe

You can use ToastyAI to auto-generate social media posts based on the episode. Once you’ve uploaded the episode, these are available for you.

How to create show notes image 3

7. Optimize for SEO

Search engines like Google work by reading text and analyzing it. Your show notes are a great place to optimize for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

This will help to improve your podcast’s search engine ranking. Use SEO best practices, such as headings, subheadings, and bullet points, to make the content easy to read and scan.

Example: Use keywords like “sustainable living,” “eco-friendly tips,” “composting benefits,” and “reduce waste” throughout the show notes to enhance SEO.

You can use ToastyAI that will automatically create an article for you based on the episode. Post this article on your website and it will help with SEO.

How to create show notes image 4

8. Proofread and Edit

You must proofread and edit your show notes before you can publish it. Check for clarity, grammar, and spelling issues. You want to create well-written and error-free show notes so it appears professional.


You can make show notes work for your podcast viewership and engagement.

But you need to create them in the right manner.

You can start creating a summary of the episode after you have listened to it. It’s important that you capture the main ideas of the podcast in the summary.

Show notes are a powerful tool to connect with your audience beyond the audio. Use them wisely to provide added value and encourage deeper engagement with your content.

Want more podcast listeners?

Join our step-by-step 5-day action plan course showing you exactly what you need to do to get more listeners.

The post How to Create Show Notes for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.

8 Super Tips for Recording High-Quality Audio Thu, 08 Aug 2024 04:55:53 +0000 That was awful. You just hit the stop button. The audio quality of that podcast was so bad, your ears almost started […]

The post 8 Super Tips for Recording High-Quality Audio appeared first on ToastyAI.


That was awful.

You just hit the stop button.

The audio quality of that podcast was so bad, your ears almost started bleeding.

You don’t want your own podcast recordings to do this.

That’s why it’s important to record high-quality audio.

Let’s look at 8 super tips that can get you the amazing quality you want.

Table of Contents

1. Choose the Right Equipment

Your equipment is what will give you high-quality audio or it will suck. So investing in good-quality recording equipment is a must.


Invest in a good quality microphone. You won’t be able to get away with poor recordings. A good quality microphone, such as a dynamic or condenser mic, can make a significant difference. USB microphones are convenient for beginners, while XLR mics offer superior sound quality.


Get yourself a pair of closed-back headphones. They’ll help you monitor your recording and find any noise or distortion.

Audio Interface

If you use an XLR microphone, an audio interface is necessary to connect it to your computer.

Pop Filter

If you want to go super professional, get yourself a pop filter. It reduces plosive sounds (like “p” and “b” sounds) that can cause distortion in your recordings.

2. Create a Quiet Recording Environment

Noise will turn your podcast listeners away. Record yourself in a place that is quiet and low background noise.

Choose the Right Space

You need to pick a location that has minimal background noise. Don’t record in areas with hard surfaces as that causes echoes.


This can be a game-changer to get awesome sound quality. Use sound-absorbing materials like foam panels, blankets, or carpets to reduce echoes and background noise.

Minimize Interruptions

It can be frustrating having family, or friends interrupt your recordings. So, let them know before you start the recording. Close the doors and keep your pets away until you record. Turn off noisy appliances and close windows.

3. Maintain Proper Microphone Technique

Use good microphone recording techniques to get a boost in the audio quality of your podcast.

Distance and Positioning

If you’re too close to the microphone, you’ll introduce noise. So, maintain the right distance which is 6-12 inches. Position the microphone at an angle to avoid direct breath sounds.

Pop Filter Usage

You can go professional and add a pop filter. It will reduce plosive sounds and make your recording crisp. Place it about 2 inches away from the microphone.

Avoid Touching the Microphone

Avoid handling the microphone during recording. If you have the habit of touching it, try folding your hands, keeping them in your lap, or holding a book.

4. Use a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

You can use a Digital Audio Station (DAW) to do the recording in the best quality possible. Popular options include Audacity, GarageBand, Adobe Audition, and Reaper. Here’s how to get started:

Set Up Your DAW

Configure your DAW with the correct input and output settings for your microphone and headphones.

Record in a High-Quality Format

Record your audio in a high-quality format, such as WAV or AIFF, to preserve audio fidelity.

5. Monitor Your Levels

Monitoring your audio levels during recording helps prevent clipping and distortion.

Adjust Gain Levels

Set your microphone gain levels to avoid clipping. Aim for audio peaks to be between -6dB and -3dB.

Use Headphones

Monitor your recording through headphones to detect any issues in real-time.

6. Edit for Clarity

We all make mistakes during the recording. But you don’t have to worry. You can use the magic of editing those out.

Remove Background Noise

You can use noise reduction tools in your DAW to remove background noise. Be careful not to overdo it, as it can affect audio quality. There are also tools like Adobe Podcast and Xound that can remove background noise from your recording.

Cut Unnecessary Parts

Your recording will have lots of retakes, long pauses, ums, and ahs. It’s best to use your DAW and remove them so your podcast becomes concise and engaging.

Normalize and Compress

Normalize your audio to ensure consistent volume levels. Use compression to balance the dynamic range and make your audio sound more polished. Your DAW might already have this option. Or you can use tools like Adobe Podcast or Xound.

Equalize (EQ)

You can use EQ to enhance the clarity of your voice. Cut low-frequency rumble and boost mid-range frequencies to improve vocal presence. Your DAW might already support this or use tools like Adobe Podcast or Xound.

7. Add Finishing Touches

You can add finishing touches to the recording once you’re done with the recording and editing for clarity.

Intro and Outro Music 

You can add music at the beginning and end of your podcast to create a professional feel.

Sound Effects 

You can use sound effects sparingly to emphasize key points or transitions. But be careful not to overdo it.

Volume Leveling

You can use consistent volume levels across your podcast to provide a smooth listening experience.

8. Test and Export

Don’t just publish your podcast episode when you’re done with the recording and editing. You need to test it for quality.

Listen on Various Devices 

You need to test your podcast on headphones, speakers, and different devices to check for any issues.

Export in the Right Format 

Export your podcast in a suitable format, such as MP3, for distribution. Make sure it meets the requirements of podcast directories.


It’s important that you record high-quality audio if you want listeners to engage with your content.

Research some good quality audio equipment before you record. You don’t need to spend a lot of money. You’ll find budget options that are good enough to start.

Let’s get started and see the amazing recordings you create.

Want more podcast listeners?

Join our step-by-step 5-day action plan course showing you exactly what you need to do to get more listeners.

The post 8 Super Tips for Recording High-Quality Audio appeared first on ToastyAI.

How to Research Trending Topics and Create a Content Calendar for Your Podcast Wed, 07 Aug 2024 15:23:08 +0000 You need to keep your podcast alive. You do that by feeding it engaging content often. It can be a challenge coming […]

The post How to Research Trending Topics and Create a Content Calendar for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.


You need to keep your podcast alive.

You do that by feeding it engaging content often.

It can be a challenge coming up with ideas. And keeping track of publishing content.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Make use of trending topics. And use a content calendar to plan.

Let’s look at how to do this.

Table of Contents

Why Trending Topics Matter For Your Podcast?

1. Increase Listener Engagement

Trending topics are juicy. You can get your listeners to engage more if you create content with current and relevant issues.

2. Attract New Audiences

Everyone wants to grow their audience. When you post trending topics, you get love from search engines. And your audience shares it with their friends. It’s the best way to attract new audiences to your podcast.

3. Enhance Your Podcast’s Authority

You want to become an authority in your niche. Authority means your audience respects and listens to you. Creating content with industry trends will help you become that authority voice in your niche.

How to Research Trending Topics

1. Use Social Media Platforms

Social media can be a treasure trove of trending topic ideas. I would suggest joining several social media platforms and checking out their trending sections.

X: Use X’s trending section to see what topics are currently popular. Follow relevant hashtags and accounts in your niche to stay updated.

Reddit: Explore subreddit communities related to your podcast’s theme. Pay attention to upvoted posts and recent discussions.

Facebook and LinkedIn: Join groups and follow pages in your niche. Observe the discussions and note recurring themes.

2. Google Trends

Google Trends is an awesome tool if you want to find the latest trends going on in the country. You can even see the popularity of search terms. This tool allows you to compare different topics and see how interest has evolved.

You should search for topics in your niche and check out the related queries and rising topics to find content ideas gaining traction.

3. Industry News and Publications

Follow industry news websites, blogs, and online magazines relevant to your niche. Subscribe to newsletters to get updates directly in your inbox.

Use tools like Feedly to aggregate news from multiple sources and stay informed about the latest developments.

4. Podcast Directories and Platforms

Your competition is a great source of trending topics for your own podcast.  Browse podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher to see what topics are popular in your category.

Look at the top charts and trending sections to identify high-performing episodes and themes.

5. Online Forums and Q&A Sites

You want to be among your audience because they are a great source of trending topic ideas. Check out forums like Quora, Stack Exchange, and niche-specific communities to see what questions people are asking.

Use these questions as inspiration for podcast episodes that provide answers and insights.

6. Keyword Research Tools

If you have keyword research tools or have the budget to buy them, they can be a good source of trending topics.

Use keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SemRush, or Ubersuggest to identify popular search terms in your niche. Look for keywords with high search volumes and low competition to find potential topics.

7. Audience Feedback

You can directly ask your audience what topics they would prefer you create content. Engage with your audience through surveys, social media, and direct interactions. Use feedback to tailor your content to their preferences and keep them engaged.

How to Create a Content Calendar

Now that you have your trending topics list, it’s time to organize them in your content calendar. It helps you plan your episodes in advance, ensuring consistency and reducing last-minute stress.

1. Choose a Calendar Tool


You can use digital tools like Google Calendar, Trello, Asana, or Notion to create your content calendar. These tools allow you to schedule, organize, and collaborate when creating content.

2. Define Your Content Categories

You can categorize your content based on themes, formats, or series. This helps in maintaining variety and structure in your episodes. Example categories could be interviews, solo episodes, industry news, or listener Q&A.

3. Set a Publishing Schedule

Decide how often you will release episodes (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly). Consistency is key to building a loyal audience. Choose specific days and times for publishing to create a routine for your listeners.

4. Plan Topics in Advance

One trick that advanced podcasters use is to always plan topics in advance. They schedule topics for each episode at least a month in advance.

When planning your topics, include relevant details like episode titles, guest information, and key points to cover.

Create content that is a mix of evergreen and trending topics so you have a balance of timeless information and current events.

5. Include Key Dates and Events

Mark important dates and events in your niche on the calendar. This includes industry conferences, holidays, or significant anniversaries.

Plan episodes around these events to capitalize on heightened interest.

6. Allow Flexibility

Trending topics can emerge unexpectedly, and you might want to adjust your schedule to stay relevant. Keep a few slots open for spontaneous episodes or breaking news.

7. Track Performance and Adjust

Your audience will give you feedback once you publish episodes from your content calendar. 

You can monitor the performance of your episodes using analytics tools provided by your podcast hosting platform. Track metrics like downloads, listens, and audience feedback to understand what topics resonate most with your listeners.

Use this data to refine your content calendar and focus on high-performing themes.


Now you know how to research trending topics for your niche. And to create a content calendar for future episodes.

The next thing to do is go to Google Trends and put your niche in the search box. Look at the related queries and rising topics to find trending topics.

Then it’s time to record some great content for those topics.

Want more podcast listeners?

Join our step-by-step 5-day action plan course showing you exactly what you need to do to get more listeners.

The post How to Research Trending Topics and Create a Content Calendar for Your Podcast appeared first on ToastyAI.

How to Define Your Podcast Niche and Target Audience: Beginner’s Guide Wed, 07 Aug 2024 12:50:36 +0000 It can be a challenge. There are thousands of podcasts out there. How do you start your own? What niche should you […]

The post How to Define Your Podcast Niche and Target Audience: Beginner’s Guide appeared first on ToastyAI.


It can be a challenge.

There are thousands of podcasts out there. How do you start your own?

What niche should you pick? Who should you be your audience?

You’ll have these questions swirling in your brain as you think about creating a podcast.

Don’t worry.

This guide will show you exactly the steps you need to take to define your niche and target audience.

Let’s begin.

Table of Contents

What is a Podcast Niche?

A niche is a specific theme or topic that your podcast can focus on. You can have a niche based on your background, interest, or passion. Some examples of a niche are fitness, gardening, software, outdoors, fashion, and beauty.

Choosing a podcast niche can help you differentiate yourself from the thousands of other podcasts that people are listening to.

Benefits of Having a Niche

1. You can create focused content

Once you know your niche, it becomes simple to create content around that niche. You can plan and create episodes tailored around specific topics.

2. You can establish authority and expertise

You may already have knowledge and experience in the niche. Or you can learn and build your knowledge and experience in the niche. This helps you establish yourself as an expert in the chosen field.

3. You can develop a loyal audience

When you focus on a particular niche and create content around it, you will attract listeners with the same interest. They will be those who are passionate about the topic, increasing engagement and retention.

Steps to Define Your Podcast Niche

It can be a challenge to figure out your podcast niche. Podcasters say it can be one of the hardest things to do to pick a niche. But follow these steps and you’ll find it a lot easier.

1. Identify Your Interests and Passions

Make a list of topics that you are already interested in or passionate about. One of these could be your potential niche because it will keep you motivated to create engaging content.

List your hobbies, skills, and professional expertise. Look for common themes or areas where you have a lot to say.

2. Research Market Demand

If there are already many podcasts on a particular topic, it’s a sign that the topic is popular.

You can use tools like Google Trends, Ahrefs, SemRush, or AnswerThePublic to look at what topics people are interested in.

Check out podcast directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify to see what podcasts already exist and are popular. Analyze popular podcasts in various categories to identify gaps in the market where your podcast could fit.

Check out places where your audience hangs out, such as social media on X, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. See what kinds of topics get the most engagement on these platforms.

3. Evaluate Your Expertise

Consider your knowledge and experience in the chosen niche. List your qualifications, experiences, and unique insights that you can bring to the table.

You’ll have to create a ton of podcast episodes if you want to make your podcast popular. That’s why you should at least have an idea that you can consistently produce informative content on the topic.

4. Narrow Down Your Focus

The more you can narrow down the niche, the lower your competition becomes. But be careful not to go too narrow where there are no listeners.

Start with a broad topic and narrow it down to a specific angle. For example, instead of a general “health and wellness” podcast, you could focus on “mental health for entrepreneurs.”

You want to have a unique angle to your podcast. Think about what unique perspective or twist you can bring to the topic.

5. Validate Your Niche

Once you have a few niche ideas, you can validate them with friends, family, or online communities. Get their feedback on what they think about the topic.

You can create a pilot episode or short series and send it for feedback. This can be one of the best ways to know what topic has the potential to work as a podcast.

Steps to Identify Your Target Audience

Once you know your niche, you can target a particular audience to focus on. This will help you create content that can be super engaging and build your audience fast.

1. Create Listener Personas

You want to create a profile of your ideal listener. You can ask yourself questions like

  • Where is your listener from?

  • What is his age, gender, occupation, and location?

  • What are his interests and hobbies?

  • What are the challenges they face?

  • How about the lifestyle they follow?

The idea is to build a persona of your target listener so you can focus on creating content for them.

2. Analyze Competitors’ Audiences

It’s great to have competition in the niche because you can research and analyze your competitors. Study popular podcasts within your niche to understand their audience demographics.

Look at the engagement on their social media pages, read the comments, and listen to what their listeners are saying. Identify what works for them and what doesn’t, and look for gaps you can fill.

3. Conduct Audience Research

You’ll find one of the best ways to know your audience is to use surveys and polls. You’ll need to do this in social media, communities, and forums where you can reach your audience.

Use surveys and polls to gather information about your potential audience’s preferences and pain points.


Picking your podcast niche and target audience does not need to be difficult.

Follow the steps in this post and you’ll narrow it down in no time.

The next thing you should do is make a list of all the topics you have knowledge, experience, and interest in. You will use this master list to shortlist the niche you’ll start with.


Looking forward to listening to your awesome podcast.

Want more podcast listeners?

Join our step-by-step 5-day action plan course showing you exactly what you need to do to get more listeners.

The post How to Define Your Podcast Niche and Target Audience: Beginner’s Guide appeared first on ToastyAI.

How To Make ChatGPT Sound Human Tue, 30 Jul 2024 11:25:18 +0000 You feel the cringe. Read any ChatGPT content and you know it’s AI generated. If you realize this, your readers do too. […]

The post How To Make ChatGPT Sound Human appeared first on ToastyAI.


You feel the cringe.

Read any ChatGPT content and you know it’s AI generated.

If you realize this, your readers do too.

There goes engagement with your content.

But good news! There’s a solution to this.

Make ChatGPT content sound like a human.

Use personas of your target audience. Use templates to create engaging content. Train ChatGPT to use your human touch.

Let’s see how to do this.

Table of Contents

What Are Personas?

A persona is a fictional character that represents your target audience. The persona has distinct tones, styles, and characteristics.

For example, if you’re a yoga podcaster, your target audience is females looking to build flexibility and fitness.

You can train ChatGPT with the particular persona you want. So, the AI adopts this voice when generating content. This helps create a consistent and authentic experience for your audience.

Setting a persona allows you to write in a voice that resonates with the audience you’re targeting. This will help you generate content that’s more relevant and engaging.

Toasty AI comes with a lot of persona you can choose from. You can find them for categories like:

  • Business
  • Creative Arts
  • Developing
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Finance
  • Fitness
  • Marketing
  • Technology
  • Writing

Here are a few persona examples that you’ll find in Toasty. You can train the AI to generate social media short-form posts using your persona of choice.

1. Yoga Instructor Persona

Persona Background

Profession/Role: Yoga Instructor

Key Responsibilities: Leading yoga classes, maintaining a safe and tranquil environment, guiding students in their practice.

Knowledge or Expertise: Yoga philosophy, various yoga poses and sequences.

Typical Challenges: Adapting teaching methods to suit different skill levels, maintaining a peaceful class environment.

Current Projects: Virtual yoga classes, specialized courses like prenatal yoga.

Jargon or Terminology: Asanas, pranayama, chakras.

Goals and Objectives: Enhance student’s flexibility, balance, and mental well-being.

Interactions: Students, other yoga instructors, wellness centers.

Persona Response Style

Tone and Formality: Calm, peaceful, and instructive.

Level of Detail: Detailed pose descriptions and breathing techniques.

Preferred References: Yoga traditions, wellness literature.

Examples or Analogies: Well-known yoga sequences, meditation techniques.

Avoidance of Ambiguity: Clear and direct yoga guidance.

Resource Links: Yoga platforms, meditation apps.

Tables: Yoga sequences, benefits of poses. Only when necessary.

Problem Solving Method: Step-by-step guidance on improving yoga practice.

2. Copywriter

Persona Background

Profession/Role: Copywriter

Key Responsibilities: Creating compelling copy for advertisements, websites, and marketing materials.

Knowledge or Expertise: Writing, marketing, consumer psychology.

Typical Challenges: Producing persuasive content, meeting deadlines, A/B testing.

Current Projects: Advertising campaigns, website copy, product descriptions.

Jargon or Terminology: CTA (Call to Action), headline, tagline, SEO.

Goals and Objectives: Drive engagement and sales.

Interactions: Marketing team, clients, graphic designers.

Persona Response Style

Tone and Formality: Creative, energetic, professional.

Level of Detail: Focused advice and examples.

Preferred References: Marketing metrics, advertising trends.

Examples or Analogies: Successful ad campaigns, copywriting hacks.

Avoidance of Ambiguity: Clear and direct suggestions.

Resource Links: Copywriting tools, best practice guidelines.

Tables: A/B test results, performance metrics. Only when necessary.

Problem Solving Method: Step-by-step advice on copy optimization.

What Are Templates?

A template is a structured format you can use for different types of content. They work as a blueprint that can guide the AI to craft content based on your needs.

You can use templates to make sure the AI output is consistent with the structure you need. Templates allow you to mimic the style and success of other writing samples.

When you use Toasty AI, you can choose templates from several categories as below:

  • Sales & Marketing
  • Accessibility & Inclusivity
  • Learning & Growth
  • Self-Improvement & Personal Development
  • Accountability & Responsibility
  • Productivity & Efficiency
  • Mindset & Motivation

Let’s look at a couple of template examples you find in Toasty. These are specific to social media posts. You can train the AI to generate content based on each template.

1. Celebratory Milestone

I just ____!!

I ____

____ really changed my life.

2. Beginner’s Best Practices

I just made a ____ on what I believe is the best ___ as a beginner right now.

Like and Retweet this tweet and I’ll DM it to you

(Must be following me)

3. Dad’s Life Lessons

When I was in my 20s my dad started me on my \___\_

He didn’t tell me to \___\_

He just started \___\_

After that, \___\_

It all started with dad.

How To Use Personas And Templates

Use Toasty AI’s Persona And Template Option

Toasty AI gives you the option to use personas and templates to create short-form social media posts.

Go to the Social Posts and select the type of persona and template you need.

Use Personas And Templates With ChatGPT

If you don’t use Toasty, you can make your own personas and templates and use them with ChatGPT. You can add them as part of your workflow when you want to generate content with ChatGPT.

Here are the steps I would suggest:

1. Create the persona you need

You can use the Toasty persona examples above and create your own. Here’s the template you can fill to make your custom persona:

Persona Background


Key Responsibilities: 

Knowledge or Expertise: 

Typical Challenges: 

Current Projects: 

Jargon or Terminology: 

Goals and Objectives: 


Persona Response Style

Tone and Formality: 

Level of Detail: 

Preferred References: 

Examples or Analogies: 

Avoidance of Ambiguity: 

Resource Links: 


Problem Solving Method: 

2. Create the template for your content

You can refer to the Toasty template examples and make your own. The template will depend on what output you need. The above examples were to create short-form social media posts.

You can create templates for different outputs such as:

  • Social media posts
  • Blog posts
  • Product descriptions
  • Copywriting
  • Resumes

3. Prompt ChatGPT to use the persona and template

You then use the persona and template to instruct ChatGPT that your output needs to be based on that.

Suppose I’m a yoga podcaster and I have the persona for my listeners who are yoga enthusiasts. And my template is to generate the podcast episode structure. Here’s an example prompt I would use to do this:

I’m a yoga podcaster and my listeners are yoga enthusiasts who want to learn more about yoga and advanced techniques. I’ll give you the persona of my listeners so you can tailor the results based on it. I’ll also give you the template to generate the podcast episode structure. I’ll need you to use the persona and template to create the podcast episode structure for me.

Use ChatGPT’s Custom Instructions With Personas

You get the option of using Custom Instructions with ChatGPT. Which means you can set guidelines about the tone, style, voice for all of your ChatGPT interactions.

You already have your persona created and you can use that to feed these Custom Instructions.

Example Setup for a Persona:

    • What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
        • “I create content for a tech blog aimed at professionals and enthusiasts. The tone should be expert, engaging, and slightly playful.”

    • How would you like ChatGPT to respond?
        • “Use an enthusiastic and knowledgeable tone, with occasional humor. Incorporate technical jargon where appropriate, but ensure explanations are clear and accessible.”

Now, every interaction with ChatGPT will have the persona of “The Tech Guru”. You’ll get content that resonates with the audience of this persona.

More Tips To Make ChatGPT Sound Human

Here are some tips that can help you create better prompts that make ChatGPT sound more human.

    • Give as much context as possible about the audience, purpose of the content, and any specific points that need to be addressed.

    • You need to review the outputs you get and make the needed changes to give feedback to the AI. So the next output can become better and sound more human.

    • You can tell the AI to use emojis and casual language. But this depends on the context and audience.

    • You can tell the AI your personal anecdotes and stories. It can use those into the content making it more relatable and engaging.


I’ve given you all the information you need to help make your ChatGPT output sound more human.

The next step is to figure out your reader’s persona. Take the time to fill in the persona details I mentioned above.

Then it becomes easy to feed the persona to ChatGPT and get much better output.

Your readers will be thankful for it.

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The post How To Make ChatGPT Sound Human appeared first on ToastyAI.
